S7 EP6 | Are Your Core Beliefs Keeping You in Bondage?
Carla is fired up on this topic today!
Did you know your core beliefs - the ones you hold at a visceral level - form your thoughts, behaviours, habits and life in general? And so many women have their core beliefs rooted in LIES. Identifying and challenging these core beliefs with TRUTH has never been more important!
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The Power of Core Beliefs:
Your core beliefs dictate your behaviors, habits, and reactions. Identifying and challenging these beliefs is crucial for a life aligned with God's truth.
Rooted in Experience:
Core beliefs are often shaped by experiences, upbringing, and traumas. They operate at a deep level, influencing your life without conscious awareness.
Three Core Categories:
Examine your core beliefs about God, yourself, and the world. Ensure they align with the truth of God's Word to experience true freedom.
Core Belief About God:
Reflect on your deep-seated beliefs about God. Ensure that your beliefs align with the truth of God's Word, acknowledging His goodness, love, and sovereignty.
Core Belief About Yourself:
Examine your beliefs about yourself. Challenge any negative or distorted beliefs, such as feeling unworthy, not good enough, or destined for failure. Align your self-perception with the truth that you are a child of God with inherent value.
Core Belief About the World:
Evaluate your beliefs about the world. Challenge perspectives that paint a negative or hopeless picture. Instead, align your beliefs with the promises of God, recognizing that you can live in victory and purpose.
Armor of God:
The belt of truth, the first piece of the armor of God, holds your offensive weapon—the Word of God. Living in truth is crucial for stability and victory in spiritual battles.
Freedom in Truth:
Jesus is the truth, and knowing this truth sets you free. Challenge distorted beliefs, align with God's truth, and experience freedom in every aspect of life.
Action Steps:
Identify Core Beliefs:
Reflect on your beliefs about God, yourself, and the world. Identify any negative or distorted beliefs that may be keeping you in bondage.
Challenge Distorted Beliefs:
Actively challenge beliefs that don't align with God's truth. Use the Word of God as your offensive weapon against lies.
Seek Help if Needed:
If core beliefs are deeply ingrained, seek support from a coach, pastor, or counselor. Don't hesitate to reach out for guidance in the journey to freedom.
Affirming Truth - "I will align my core beliefs to the truth of God's Word.
Key Scripture:
John 14:6 - "Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'"
John 8:32 - "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Ephesians (Paul talking about the armor of God) - "Put on the belt of truth, the first piece of armor."
Psalm 86:11 - "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth."
Connect With Carla:
Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com
Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com
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[00:00:00] Carla: Hey friends, welcome to Affirming Truths. I'm your friend and host, Carla Arges. This show is a safe place to share our struggles, grow in faith, and root our identity in Christ. My hope is that you will leave each episode feeling encouraged in your journey. Subscribe so you don't miss an episode and it would mean the world to me if you would leave a review.
[00:00:30] Carla: I am so glad you're here. Let's get started. Hey friends. Welcome to Affirming Truth. This is your host Carla Arges and I want to talk about a pretty big topic today and I'm going to try to keep it concise and try not to run long on this episode, but this is important stuff. I want to talk about our core beliefs.
[00:00:58] Carla: Now, if I were [00:01:00] to ask you, what do you believe? You would probably say, I believe God is good. I believe God loves me. I believe God has created me with purpose. And we would say these things, but if we were honest with ourselves, and if we dug a little deeper. And we recognize the thoughts that we entertain, the actions that we take based on these thoughts and the habits that form our lives, we would be challenged to show that that belief was really evident in our life.
[00:01:34] Carla: You see, our core beliefs are what dictate our behaviors, our habits, our reactions. They, they influence our relationships and so much more. And the thing about these core beliefs is that they're usually established by our thoughts, generated by our experiences. Right? So what did people speak over us as a [00:02:00] child?
[00:02:00] Carla: You know, what was our upbringing like? What was our family of origin? What traumas have we been through? What mental illnesses have we dealt with? These negative experiences tend to shape our core beliefs or experiences where we've maybe had to earn our word or, or never felt heard. They tend to shape our core beliefs.
[00:02:25] Carla: And these core beliefs operate at a visceral level, like most of the time, you're not even going to be consciously aware of them. Like you're not even consciously aware that the life that you're living is based on these deep rooted core beliefs. And this is why it is so. Important for us to identify the core belief and challenge it because I have seen working with my clients and in overcoming this myself, when I press harder and when I dig deeper, what [00:03:00]people usually actually believe about themselves, and maybe this will resonate with that I'm not enough.
[00:03:08] Carla: Um, God really doesn't want the best for me. Um, I'm a failure. I'm meant to be small. My voice isn't heard. I don't have value unless I'm productive. I have to earn my worth. I'm not good enough on my own. Maybe some of those, if you're honest, are things that are deeply rooted in yourself. And see, these distort, distorted set of core beliefs, they create instability in our life because they keep us anxious and angry.
[00:03:50] Carla: They keep us living a triggered life. Like if you are constantly triggered, not only do you have unhealed trauma, but that triggers it's [00:04:00] showing you that you have. a wrong core belief about yourself. You know, believing these, these core beliefs that are not founded in God's truth stops us from actually walking in our purpose and our God given potential.
[00:04:17] Carla: Like, this is important. Your core beliefs shape how you mother. Your core beliefs shape how you are a wife. If you are strained in your relationships, if you're modeling behavior that you don't want your kids to grow into, you have to stop and say, okay, where is this coming from? And you have to dig down into three core categories.
[00:04:46] Carla: What is my core belief about God, really? What is my core belief about myself? Really? And what is the core belief about the world? Really? You [00:05:00] see, John 14, 6 says that Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Jesus is the truth. Do your core beliefs line up with the personhood of Jesus?
[00:05:19] Carla: Jesus is living truth. He is the living word. When you believe deep down that you have to earn your worth, is that Jesus truth? When you believe deep down that the world is against you, and everything bad happens to you, and you're just destined to live this hard life, does that line up to the promises of God?
[00:05:51] Carla: When you believe that you are too broken to ever thrive, [00:06:00] does that align to the heart of God? You know, John, who loved to talk about truth, goes on to say in, uh, chapter 8, 32 that, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. What is the opposite of freedom? Bondage. The opposite of freedom is bondage.
[00:06:22] Carla: If you are not living in the truth, if your core beliefs, the foundation on which you live your life is not rooted in truth, you are living in bondage. You are living as a slave to the prince of this world. Jesus bought you with a price. Why are you still living in bondage? Jesus bought you with his blood.
[00:06:45] Carla: Why are you still under? The prince of this world. The enemy. You shouldn't be. Did you know? That Paul in Ephesians, when he talks about the armor of God, the [00:07:00] first piece of armor, the very first piece of armor he tells us to put on is the belt of truth, the very first piece. Do you know why that's important?
[00:07:09] Carla: I know when a lot of us get dressed, we probably think about our belt as the last thing and here Paul is calling it first, put on the belt of truth, the truth, the, the belt of truth. The belt in the Roman armory was where you held your weapon. That's where your offensive weapon is. You know what your offensive weapon is?
[00:07:29] Carla: The word of God. Your sword of the spirit is the word of God. And where is it held? Where is it kept? In truth, the truth of the word. In Roman artillery, the belt was a support for the other pieces of equipment. It held the breastplate in breastplate in place. It was a crucial piece of their armor. Living in truth, knowing truth, is a crucial [00:08:00] piece of your armor in your everyday living.
[00:08:03] Carla: The belts that the Roman soldiers wore weren't like ours. They had a piece at the front that hanged down low, and it protected them from low blows and cheap shots. And can I tell you, the enemy is full of low blows and cheap shots. Do you have on your belt of truth? Are you challenging a belief that comes and says you are not enough?
[00:08:31] Carla: Are you challenging the belief that you're too far gone? Are you challenging the belief that you have to earn your worth and you're never going to be enough? Are you challenging the belief that you're a bad mother? Are you challenging the belief that God is judging you and doesn't love you? Are you challenging those beliefs or are you in ignoring them?
[00:08:57] Carla: Deciding by indecision [00:09:00] default to live according to the enemy. And I'm not, I'm not holding back any punches here. If you actively are not working on girding yourself in truth, if you are not actively working on identifying and challenging the core beliefs that are against God's will, then whose will are you living in?
[00:09:26] Carla: There's only two wills in this world. We like to think about our own world, our own will, but our own will is of the flesh, and who owns the flesh? The enemy in this battle, the spiritual battle, there's the enemy and there's Christ. We know Christ wins, but in our everyday living, whose will are you living by?
[00:09:52] Carla: Because when you live according to believing the lies, you're living in the enemy's will. You are giving [00:10:00] him power and dominion to keep you in bondage because you're listening to his voice. Whose voice do you want to listen to? Whose will do you want to be walking in? Who do you want to be shaping your life?
[00:10:21] Carla: If your answer is Christ, and I hope that it is, Then you need to start identifying and challenging these core beliefs that say anything other than God is good, God is just, God is sovereign, that says anything other than you are a child of God with a future and a hope, bought with a price, beloved, righteous before God.
[00:10:46] Carla: That's what needs to be the foundation of your beliefs. And guess what will flow out of that? Thoughts that are true and noble and peaceful and all of those things. Guess what will flow out of that? Fruits of the [00:11:00]Spirit. Guess what habits will be formed? Spending time with God, taking care of yourself, Being a witness, opening up your home to hospitality.
[00:11:10] Carla: Your relationships will flourish. And those that don't flourish, once you start walking in the truth of who God made you to be and who God is, our relationships. that you don't need in your life. Whose are you? Are you God's? Who is God? Do you know? How are you walking out your life? What are you believing?
[00:11:39] Carla: Because I tell you, whether you recognize it or not, you are living out your deep seated beliefs. Your life is a reflection of your deep seated beliefs. And I don't mean the surface, Instagram, highlight reel of your life. I'm talking about the real life. What's going on in your head? [00:12:00] What's going on in your heart?
[00:12:01] Carla: Are you troubled? Are you anxious? Are you restless? Are you striving? Are you overwhelmed? Well, what are you believing? That's allowing you to live in those feelings and have those feelings dictate your life and rob you of the joy and the peace and the comfort and the courage and the boldness that comes with living out Christ's truth in your life.
[00:12:30] Carla: Sorry, I'm a little bit fired up about this because this, this is the crux of it, friends. Your core beliefs are essential. This is life changing. You were made to live in freedom. He died to set you free. What is freedom? Truth. Who is truth? Jesus. Who is the author [00:13:00] and finisher of your faith? He is. My affirming truth for you today is.
[00:13:07] Carla: I will align my core release to the truth of God's word. And I'm taking you to Psalm 86 11. It says, teach me your way or Lord that I may walk in your truth friends to know truth. You have to know God to know God. You have to get into his word. You have to rehearse it. It's not just a checklist thing. You have to rehearse it.
[00:13:35] Carla: You have to eat it and drink it like living water, like daily bread. Align your core beliefs to the truth of God's word and discover a whole new level of freedom that you get to walk in. That is incredible. And guys, you don't have to figure it out on your own. If you are having [00:14:00] trouble, if your core beliefs that are lies are so deeply ingrained and go back so far that you can't even see them, this is where you reach out to me.
[00:14:10] Carla: This is where my coaching comes in. Or you reach out to your pastor, or you reach out to a counselor. Sometimes we are too close to the problem within ourselves that we can't even see it. But again, I want you to affirm this day that you are going to align your core beliefs to the truth of God's Word.
[00:14:30] Carla: You're going to seek God, teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth. It's time for freedom. God is calling up his daughters to walk in freedom, to be a part of the kingdom army, to be a part of building the kingdom of God. We can't be in chains of bondage of lies anymore. The time for freedom is now, friends.
[00:14:57] Carla: What do you believe? I'll [00:15:00] talk to you next time.
[00:15:07] Carla: Thanks for joining me today. I hope we're already friends on social media, but if we're not, come find me on Instagram at Carla Arges or at Affirming Truth. Can't wait to see you back here next week. Bye, friends.