S4 | Bonus LIVE Coaching on Renewing Your Relationship with Your Body
Listen in on a live group coaching Carla did on the theme of renewing your relationship with your body so you can better show up in every aspect of your life.
Here she tackles the two ways we tend to relate to our physical health - and reveals the REAL way we should respond to give God glory.
Living Wholly
We are whole beings - our mental, spiritual and physical health all impact each other. When we are not stewarding our wellness for the Lord, it affects how we show up in our relationships, our work, and our community. We need to work backwards, addressing our perception of our worth to see how it is affecting our behaviors
Inherent Value
Our value as women does not come from our appearance. The enemy distracts us from our authority in the spiritual realm and shifts our focus so we are pouring our time and energy into attaining image over pursuing our calling.
The Sin of Neglect & Idolizing
We need to check our heart’s intention in the way we spend our energy. We tend to fall into two extremes:
Neglecting Our Bodies
eating improperly, poor sleep habits, no exercise
Idolizing/Elevating Our Bodies
restricting & binging or eating as a reward, working out as punishment or a way to earn food, etc.
Both are disobedient and sin. We are called to nurture our bodies.
When you are not consumed with your body’s appearance, you have space to be consumed by the Lord, and it’s in this space that the hole for your value is filled. He speaks into your calling, identity, and even your perception of self.
Here’s the truth: Loving your body through healthy exercise and nutrition are meant to enable your body and mind to be clear in the pursuit of the Lord and His calling on your life.
Here are some questions to ask yourself as your pursue holy love:
Do you love the way God has created you?
Do you know what He has created for?
Are you capable of harnessing the things you love for the Kingdom of God?
Stewardship is action on understanding that you are entrusted with a gift and commitment to nurturing growth and wellness. A good steward can rest in knowing they did their best with what they are given. If you struggle with neglecting or idolizing your body, it’s time to look at the decisions you make for your body through the lens of stewardship.
Here are some questions to ask yourself as you pursue Holy Stewardship:
How can I best nurture the body God has given me?
Is the way I treat your body in alignment with God’s design and calling for myr life?
Why am I making the decision I’m making at this moment?
Nothing can disqualify you from God’s calling on your life. You don’t need to earn your worth by punishing your body.
Remember, you are an image bearer of God, so nurture that gift with love and grace.
Connect With Carla:
Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com
Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com
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