S4 EP14 | Real Talk: How God Revealed the Deceitfulness of My Heart & Called Me to Wait
Let’s have a real heart to heart.
In this episode, Carla shares a prayer that has gone unanswered for years - and what God finally revealed to her on why.
Carla gets real, vulnerable and transparent with the hopes of encouraging you to seek God and hold on during waiting.
How did we get here?
Carla shares the journey of her ministry-based business and her desire to contribute to and help provide for her family. Eventually, this unmet desire led to the age old question “Why God?”
God met Carla in her why, and answered, pointing back to the condition of her heart.
Going Deeper
God revealed that Carla’s intentions were not about Him, but about her.
Carla wasn’t relying on God’s way to provide for her family.
Carla wanting financial success was about outside validation.
Carla spent three years striving outside God’s plan, and when these truths were revealed, she fell into deep repentance. In that repentance, God spoke:
“Be still and wait.”
But what does waiting mean?
It is active.
It’s about leaning into the season you’re currently in and (for Carla) redeeming the time of striving.
In our waiting, He is working.
Growth & transformation is happening beneath the surface. You may not see the work in the waiting, but fruit is coming.
If you’re tired, it’s time to wait on the Lord.
Affirming Truth - I will be still and wait upon the Lord.
Key scriptures:
Isaiah 30:41
Connect With Carla:
Inquire about 1:1 coaching ---> carlaagreswellness@gmail.com
Join In His Image Wellness Collective ---> carlaargeswellness@gmail.com
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